четверг, 11 ноября 2010 г.

Altai State University

Altai State University, started the fourth election of the rector.
On Wednesday, November 10 was an extraordinary meeting of the Academic Council of Altai State University. It was conducted by the University Rector, Prof. Yuri Kiryushin. He reported that the Ministry of Education did not extend its authority as Rector until 2012. Therefore be removed from office on Jan. 13, 2011, as the day he turns 65, that does not automatically entitle him to occupy the post of rector.
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Before November 27 will be nominated and self-nominated candidates, and on 29 November Academic Council will meet again to review the list of candidates and hear their program. After a secret ballot recommended by the Academic Council candidates will be submitted to the Ministry. It was only after their approval will be to conduct propaganda work.
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Due to the fact that Yuri Kiryushin can not hold the position of the Rector, the Scientific Council of the university has decided to nominate his candidacy for president of Altai State University.
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- Institute for the presidency introduced in the country in 2006. In 2009, 14% of public universities already have presidents. The Ministry has allowed us to enter and the same position, - said vice-rector for quality educational activities, PhD in Sociology Galina Spitskaya. - All necessary local acts are accepted.
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The candidacy of the president, we present the ministry, which then makes it into the Scientific Council for election. The Ministry pays the same and the presidency. All the requirements of the position corresponds to the candidature of the current rector Yuri Fyodorovich Kiryushina. Academic Council unanimously endorsed it.
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As explained spokesman Sergei Kushvid university, the rector and the president will address different issues.
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- The President will be responsible for foreign policy, that is, work out the concept of the university, to communicate with representatives of various authorities and public bodies, and Rector - for internal - explained Kushvid. - The functions of the President is also working with the board of trustees, which is still in the Altai State University there, you will have to create.
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Approve whether the Ministry of Education and Science Kiryushina candidacy is still unknown. The university hopes that the new year the situation becomes clearer. If a candidate proposed by the Academic Council of Altai State University Ministry of Education will not accept, "says spokesman, the Scientific Council will propose a new one.
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- The President can only be a former rector and the person who made a major contribution to the
development of education. Yuri Fyodorovich suitable for all requirements. And more and no one to push for such a post - summed Kushvid.Viloza 9
Higher School of Economics in collaboration with the RIA Novosti news agency commissioned by the Russian Public Chamber made a rating of universities, selected winners will in 2010.
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The research is based on two indicators: the number enrolled in higher education up to the All-Russian Olympiad and the amount received on the basis of other Olympiads, included in a special list. Each winner received the All-Russian Olympiad factor five, other winners - the coefficient of one.
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Financial University of the Russian Government in the ranking took place in 1919. In receiving the 2010 campaign on preferential basis were enrolled 235 olimpiadnikov Russian Union of Rectors, members of other competitions are enrolled in college in general practice.
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"We were on the 19-m site because of the fact that the rating given to winners of All-Russian Olympiad great weight. And we are not a participant of the Olympiad in the benefits are not enrolled in other university rankings below fifth place does not fall. Last year, we first started to give benefits olimpiadnikam Russian Union of Rectors, and now we all make, "- said Eskindarov.
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According to the rector, some time ago he was against the preferential admission of applicants on the results of school competitions. "I was offended many of the rectors of universities, that, well, thus we violate the principle of selecting the most talented people that they can select only through competitions. Partly I agree, if we do not turn the Olympics into a massive reception," - he said.
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Also, the rector said that this year at the University of winter session will be held "on a special method. "Students will take exams in the core disciplines in writing. The work will be encrypted, and testing will not know the work of a student, he checks. Let's see what the autopsy shows, and then we will be able to say better or worse olimpiadniki study than those who acted in high school only on the results of CT, "- said Eskindarov answering a question about the quality of knowledge olimpiadnikov. Viloza 15

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